All the lyrics you ever wanted.
Sing along your favorite Geri/Spice song. Download the lyrics
and print them.. [ENTER]

Ever wanted to do Yoga? Learn how
to practice it with Geri Halliwell and Katy Appleton. Everything
you ever needed to know on Geri's yoga [ENTER]

Geri's been around for a while
now... She's got some history behind.. Want to read it?? Want to
dig in Geri's past.. You might find things you didn't know about
her.. [ENTER]

What do critics think of Geri?? Do
they love her as much as we do?? Read some important reviews of
Geri's work here, some good some bad.. [ENTER]

If you want to read interviews and
articles about Geri this is the place to go. Over 10 articles
from different magazines and lots of stuff to read.. [ENTER]

Geri's been around as a solo artist for some long time now,
She's released many singles and 2 great albums. See all the Geri
solo releases in the UK so far here [ENTER]

Never read If Only?? Geri's first book is full of secrets that
no one knew before this book was released in October 1999. Read
some excerpts from the book here

Did Look at me ever reach the Number one?? Find that out and
more here in the chart history section. [ENTER]

Geri supports lots of charity work. Support Geri's charity work
by entering this section. Costs nothing and helps a lot. [ENTER]

How does she stay so fit? Well.. We've seen that yoga has
helped.. but there are other secrets that we're telling you in
this section. [ENTER]

Some of Geri's famous phrases... Catchy sentences that we will
always remember and that most of the times apply to our own
lives [ENTER]

See Geri's change in looks and style here.. [ENTER]

Did you miss Geri's special on
VH1's Behind the music 2? Well here we have some exclusive stuff
for you to check out... Includes pics and vids [ENTER]