philosophy into catchy phrases
" GIRL POWER!!!!!! "
"Every accomplished
ambition is a dream that's dying."
"Sometimes I am crap! But
as you get older you learn that you really can't make everybody
like you"
"I'm so into dogs. They're
such good company. I do dog speak to them. I go, Arf arf; and
Harry goes, Arf arf; back to me. I've become that sad!"
"If anybody can connect
with me, that's great and I'm flattered. But I'm not the most
beautiful girl, I'm not the smartest, and I'm going to make
mistakes so I wouldn't want anyone to think they should do
everything I do!"
"People shouldn't cave in
to demands to lose their virginity - your mind needs to be ready
and it's something you should really think about."
"Sometimes I think I'd
really like some love in my life, and sometimes I think I want
sex, but it's about more than that. It's about compassion,
affection, company and someone to cuddle. When I was 14 and
girls would snog three boys in a night- I didn't - but as you
become older you have more reservations about letting someone
get close to you."
"When men are angry, they
have a good old punch up. But women are so much more emotional,
so much more internal. I think it's because our sex organs are
on the inside and men's are on the outside."
"Look at Me is about how
we're all obsessed with our public image and I think it's
bullshit. We all get so caught up in how we look and we're all
victims of that whole thing and I just think it's crap and we
should be bigger than that."
"I'm not motivated all the
time. Sometimes I just want to stay in bed. But then the next
day you do something that makes you feel great - that's why you
do it. Performing is the thing that does it for me. You are
normally too tired to do stuff after a show."
"If you walk into an
environment and think that you're equal then you will be. But if
you feel slightly inadequate and inhibited by the opposite sex
than that's something you have to deal with."
"Imperfection is a sign of
"Some time ago someone
compared me to Fergie - what a cheekiness. I don't look like
Miss Piggie!"
"I'm a gay man trapped in
a woman's body"
"Many women just want to
keep their image and don't want to make any mistakes - the
others are the lucky ones!"
"Music is the soundtrack
to our lives"
"When I left the Spice
Girls I suffered from depressions. I cried every weekend because
nobody was there - except my dog Harry!"
"If anyone you know says
something negative about you, of course if hurts because you
want everyone to like you."
"As long as you're a good
person and you have integrity, you will always get what you
"The best speakers, the
best actors, the best performers, the best politicians aren't
necessarily the most qualified. They are the ones who are just
honest. That's what I think."
"My idea of luck means
complete inner peace. Prejudices and narrow-mindedness are the
worst things I can imagine."
"No two people see events
the same way"
"If only there was a world
with no pain, only love... If only there was no fear, If